Smart factory for the production of plastic packaging Optiplast Ltd.

Grant beneficiary: Optiplast Ltd.
Name of the project: "Smart factory for the production of plastic packaging Optiplast Ltd."
Project code: NPOO.C1.1.2.R3-I3.01.0249
Project description:
The project "Smart factory for the production of plastic packaging Optiplast Ltd." will be carried out for 12 months with the aim of digital transformation and reorganization of the entire business of Optiplast Ltd. The aforementioned will be achieved by investing in two advanced digital systems, namely MES for smart production management and WMS for smart management of warehouse and logistics processes. Both digital systems will be functionally connected to the existing ERP system. The implementation of digital systems and the strengthening of digital skills of employees will ultimately result in strengthening the company's market position and increasing productivity. The target group is the company's employees and product buyers - retail chains.
Goals and expected results of the project:
- Implemented new MES system for production management;
- Implemented new WMS system for warehouse and logistics management;
- Trained 28 employees;
- Prepared and published project data on the grant beneficiary's website.
Total value of the project: 163.411,57 EUR
Amount of EU funding: 90.769,55 EUR
Project implementation period: 1.6.2023. - 1.6.2024.
Contact person for more info: Vladimir Rupčić
Mobile: +385911522917
For more info about the Call from which the project was financed, visit:
*Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU. The views expressed in this statement are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
- Implementation of waste plastics recycling system
- Promotional material
- Installation of gravimetric dosing
- Development of new products with higher added value
- Construction of the production hall and the purchase of new equipment
- Procurement - public announcement
- The introduction of production management system
- Opremanje strojeva za proizvodnju biorazgradivih vrećica
- Javna nabava
- Smart factory for the production of plastic packaging
- Project implementation completed
- Green transition of Optiplast Ltd.