As part of the Operational Program of Regional Competitiveness - Support for Strengthening Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship, the company Optiplast Ltd. was granted funds for the implementation of the project: “Implementation of the system for waste plastic”. The project covers the procurement and installation of a recycling line, the printing of promotional materials and the creation of a multilingual website. The total cost estimate amounts to €177.215,19, of which the grant was €140.000,00 or 79%. Since the establishment of the company, in a manufacturing part there is also a recycling line for plastic waste. The purpose and capacity of the existing line was customized for the needs of recycling technological waste from its own production, but during 2008, after increasing production capacities on extrusion and fabrication, the existing recycling line became insufficient to satisfy internal needs. This project has a purpose to increase the capacity of the recycling line, but also to contribute to environmental protection in several ways. The first and obvious way is through increasing the recycling capacity by 50% compared to the existing line. This increase in capacity will allow Optiplast to recover not only the technological waste of its own production, but also the production technological waste generated by its partner companies and licensed plastic waste collectors throughout the county and beyond. The next way is by reducing electricity consumption by an estimated 30% compared to the existing recycling line. Since electricity is the most important source of energy for Optiplast and we have a current power allocation of 360 kW, it is in the company's interest to optimize its consumption. The existing line was produced more than 10 years ago, with now obsolete technology. The same line is driven by a larger number of electro-engines with a total power of 50 kW. The new line, using modern engines and drive systems with higher efficiency, achieves higher production capacities with the same power consumption. The third way to protect the environment is to reduce air emissions or odours. Various additives used in primary production cause unpleasant smells later in the recycling cycle. The new line, thanks to modern recycling technology, efficiently removes these odours. The only exhaust in the air is water vapour.
General information on the project
Name of project Implementation of the system for recycling plastic waste
Duration of the project 13.7.2013 – 12.7.2014.
Value 177.215,19 EUR
Responsible body Ministarstvo poduzetništva i obrta (Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts)
Implemented by Središnja agencija za financiranje i ugovaranje (Central Agency for Financing and Contracting)
The fund Europski fond za regionalni razvoj (European Fund for Regional development)
Place of implementation Republic of Croatia, Sisak Moslavina County, Sisak
Useful links
Regionalna konkurentnost (Regional competitiveness)
Strukturni fondovi (Structural funds)
The content of this text is the exclusive responsibility of Optiplast Ltd.